Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Why Hong Kong is Like a US College Town

I know this seems a very odd comparsion on first glance. But it is not....if you are an American expat. Let me explain. 

Most families here have what we fondly refer to as a "trailing spouse." This is the non working parent. She/he (usually a she) has come to HK with her husband's opportunity or order. She has a "dependent" visa.  I know sounds very flattering. 

For the record I am a trailing spouse.  While I have a work visa and my own job, in essence I would not even be here if not for Katy. When I tell people that here, I feel like I get that look one must get when people say they are gay. First complete confusion because you have turned their world order upside down and then either 1) wow that's cool or 2) never really going to be comfortable with it. Very nice place but for women, the US is light years ahead.  Let's hope it continues.  But I digress.

So during the summer, the spouse usually takes the kids and returns to the US for an extended period of time. The people you meet here and their kids leave town. They will return in August for school to start.

It feels like alot of people leave town for the summer and HK clears out of least the wives and kids.

Thus a college town in the summer. Never really considered it, but when you do, it kinda makes sense. But being here, there is alot of neat summer camps for kids though.

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