Sunday, August 7, 2011

Air Travel in Asia

While I am somewhat hesitant to share this with my American friends, after flying Cathay Pacific, Malaysia Airlines, Thai Airlines and Singapore Airlines, a clear trend emerges: Flying here in the region is GREAT and I am talking about economy class.

First security at the airports is strict, but reasonable and helpful. They usually look the 4 of us over and make the same conclusion any reasonable security professional would: "if there was a category below low risk, that is the one we would tag them with." So Katy can go through the scanner leaving Nicholas in his stroller and rolling it through.  If I forget to take the water bottle out of the carryon bag because I am trying to make sure Maggie stays with us, the security politely and friendly apologizes that they have to throw it away and then politely let us pass.  No "Sir we will have to rescreen the bag" stuff.

And no ones takes their shoes off...ever.

Actually everyone in the air travel system here is polite and friendly.  The only people who are dead serious are the immigration people.

At the gate for our Malaysia Airline flight back to Hong Kong, the 4 of us got in line when they called for first class, business class and families with small children can board first. Well we were about 15 people deep.  A nice attendant saw us, gave me the look that "this will not do" and escorted us to the front of the line..after telling a irritated business class gentleman that he would have to wait in line.
On the plane, well, first you get a real meal..and they have kids meals. Actually they serve a snack first, then the meal which includes dessert.  And of course wine, beer, whatever you like.  Have I said this is economy class. They ran out of coffee and the flight attendant apologized and remembered to bring me a cup later in the flight.
When we flew to Pukhet on Thai Airlines, they were celebrating either 60 years or 100 year anniversary in air service.  Every child got a present. Nicholas got a 1 foot inflatable plane and Maggie a coloring book!

I don't know the differences in the cost models between these airlines and the US, but it is clear that they are doing something different and right that makes family travel really easy.

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