Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Day your Daughter Knows Her Way Around the Subway

Our apartment is close to a subway (MTR it is called here) station called Wan Chai. We all set out to take the MTR to the local furniture store for some odds and ends on Sunday. Now it is pretty busy in the Causeway Bay district because most domestic helpers from Indonesia and the Phillipines have off Sundays. Causeway Bay is one of many meeting points.  The trains are crowded and the stations are packed.

Maggie heads off in front of us, elbowing her way through the crowd, proudly declaring, "I know the way" as she steps on the escalator down to the train platform level. As we enter the station and take several escalators down to the train level, Maggie continues to walk 5 to 10 feet in front of us with an air of confidence.

When we came back, Katy and I both know our station as "Wan Chai."  Maggie looks up and says to us, "It's the green station." As if she is taking tourists around.  And you know what, she is right. Wan Chai is the Green Station.

So my 4 1/2 year old daughter can navigate the Hong Kong Subway system.

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