Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Day 7: Glass is Half Full Day

You hear about people focusing on the negatives, the struggles about moving and living abroad. I think they just never wanted to to it in the first place.  Well today was a good day, a glass half full day, the first normal day.

Nicholas and I took an adventure into the city to buy a mobile phone. Nicholas in stroller and me with my map ventured through the Times Square and Causeway Bay shopping areas.  Alot of it hard core Hong Kong: the smells and sights of restaurants open to the sidewalk selling all kinds of foods, side streets crammed with retail and main streets full of high end luxury goods stores, people going about their normal lives in the midst of it all: the real Hong Kong.

We finally found the SmartTone-Vodafone store.  I find out that they can't actually sell me a plan until I get my permanent HK ID card.  But they helped me figure out I could get a phone and a prepaid sim card to have a number now until next week when I get my ID. They were very helpful. So mission accomplished, we have a HK local phone. I also ordered an iPhone. When that comes next week, I can pick it up after I get my ID card.

During the morning bus pickup we met one of Maggie's classmates who attends the same school and is staying in our building. In the afternoon, we ran into them again and shared a taxi ride back to the hotel.  After we got back, Maggie wanted to go to the playroom.  Who was there but her new friend.  They played together for a while as I sat and talked with his dad. We agreed to switch off picking up our kids. It was nice to connect with such nice people and such a nice boy. They will only be staying in Hong Kong through the spring I think. Maggie has been trying hard to approach kids and mostly they rebuf her.  Katy and I both after each time tell Maggie how proud of her we are to try. So It was nice to see her approach a nice boy and see them play together. Both talked about play dates to me and the dad.

We got back to the apartment and Katy cooked a normal Matvey dinner. I was able during the day to finish a presentation for my new job next week as well.

We were also able to connect with a potential Nanny to help us out until we find a helper in our new apartment. She seemed nice over the phone and we all will meet Saturday.

Katy learned our air shipment got through HK customs and can be delivered to us in the next couple of days which is great. The sea shipment though is delayed and may not get here till March.

There is a part of you that looks on everything you need to get done and everything that is different and thinks, "How will we ever get to having a normal day like the ones we had in Charlotte?" Well today is proof. Good night everyone.


  1. Loved this post!! I am excited that you had your first normal day! You do realize that you will look back at this blog and when your looking back you will laugh at how crazy it seemed and how all is so normal now. Miss you guys!! xoxo

  2. I'm uncertain where you're finding the energy to post through all of this...but I'm really glad you are. I loved this entry, too.

    When the going gets tough, just remember...you've got the best parts right there with you all the time. Katy and the kids. That's all that matters. The rest is just scenery and new memories to make. :)

    Enjoy the ride. Sounds like things will settle in soon.
    Big Matvey group hug from the goat farm in VA.

  3. I'm so glad to see you blogging about this - it will be interesting to look back on these early days to see how much things change for you. What an adventure - best of luck with everything, we miss Katy in our supper club.
