A Day in the Life
It occurred to me that it might be fun to follow one day in our life, so far. You might be thinking wow I wonder how exotic and exciting there life is than the one in Charlotte. I hate to be a buzz kill, but with 2 small children, it's more like the Buckaroo Bonzai "No matter where you go, there you are" kinda thing.
Other than the constant background sounds of Cantonese, allot more people, a very well developed mass transit system and none of our great friends to lean, laugh and live with, it's pretty much the same type of routines and worries.
5 AM. David gets up to run outside. The gym here at the complex doesn’t open till 6AM. This is of course in complete alignment with most of Hong Kong which seems to run on a 10AM to midnight schedule. Early risers and morning people will find a very quiet city.
5:50 AM. David gets back and Katy is getting ready for going to the gym.
6 AM. (otherwise known as the mad rush) Katy is out the door. David tries to shower and get ready before one of the 2 kids wakes up.
6:35 AM. Katy gets back, showers and gets ready while David prepares Maggie’s lunch and gets everyone’s breakfasts ready.
7:00 AM. Katy and David switch roles. Katy watches kids and David dresses.
7:00 AM to 7:30AM. Now this is the tricky part: Maggie and David have to get dressed, packed and ready to go out the door in order to catch the taxi to the bus stop.
7:30 AM. David and Maggie out the door, go down to lobby and wait in line for a taxi which drives us to the school bus stop. Maggie’s preschool does not pick up and Bamboo Grove, so we have to drive to the local city bus stop.
7:45 AM. Arrive at the stop. We wait for the bus. Read chit chat.
7:55 AM school bus picks Maggie up and David hails a Taxi to return to Bamboo Grove OR on days I need to go directly to work.
REWIND 7:30 AM: Katy gets ready to go and eats breakfast.
8 AM: Nanny comes to watch Nicholas, Katy heads to lobby.
8:10 AM. David meets Katy in lobby and we take the shuttle bus to a drop off and walk to our own buildings.
8:30 AM In the office.
5:10 PM David heads over to Katy’s building because it is easier to catch a taxi from there.
3:30 PM: Nanny picks Maggie up from preschool and heads home or to a play date.
5 PM: Nanny and kids back at apartment.
5:30 PM: Katy and David take taxi back to apartment.
5:45 PM: back at apartment, start dinner let nanny go home.
7 PM: Tubbies for kids start.
8 PM: kids in bed.
8 PM to 10 PM: potential calls from the states for Katy or David. You see as we both have to work with teams in the US, we have calls sometimes back to back.
9:30 PM. Collapse in bed.
5 AM next morning. Rinse, repeat, rinse.
Now on Tuesdays and Thursdays, Nicholas has a 1 and ½ hour playgroup at a preschool closer in the city. He is accompanied by the nanny.